Pressure and Blow to Nerve Points
Atemite is the name of the pressure, blow or impact on the approximately 250 sensitive areas of the human body. The effects of the blows range from harmless pain that forces the opponent to submit, others (69 critical) are classified as dangerous because they can lead to unconsciousness, paralysis, or death. These points are nerve centers, vital organs, or concentrations of blood vessels.
A Ninja should always know exactly about the points of the body, on the one hand, to be able to protect himself better and on the other hand to be able to defend himself effectively.
To achieve an effect with atemi, the blows must be mastered perfectly and placed extremely precisely (on the smallest possible area). In order not to kill the opponent immediately, you have to calculate the opponent’s constitution and thus determine the hit dosage.
To better protect yourself, it is essential to develop a strong chest and abdominal muscles.
Explanation of Hit Zones
The 69 most important hit zones are explained in more detail below. In addition to the number and name of the area, the preferred body weapons and the effect of a hit on them are also mentioned.
No. | Target | Body Weapons | Effect |
1 | Fontanel | Front fist, back of fist, edge of the hand, back of heel | death |
2 | frontal bone | back of fist | death |
3 | back of head | fist, heel, elbow | death |
4 | temples | Back of fist, knuckle fist, edge of the hand, ball of foot | death, fainting |
5 | eyebrows | knee, fist | decreased eyesight |
6 | eye socket | fingertips, thumbs | decreased eyesight |
7 | eyes | fingertips, thumbs | decreased eyesight |
8 | bridge of nose | knuckle fist, edge of the hand, ball of the foot, head, fist | death, fainting |
9 | external auditory canal | palm | decreased hearing |
10 | Cheekbones | edge of the hand, fist | fracture |
11 | nasal bone | head, edge of the hand, fist | fainting |
12 | above the upper lip | edge of hand | fainting |
13 | behind the ear | fingers | fainting, death |
14 | upper lip | edge of hand | fainting |
15 | jaws | fist, elbow, head, knee | fainting |
16 | lower lip | edge of the hand, fist | decreased eyesight and hearing |
17 | salivary gland | fingers, knuckles | fainting |
18 | between the lower lip and chin | edge of hand | fainting |
19 | mandible | elbow, edge of the hand, fist | fracture |
20 | chin tip | head, fist, elbow, knee | fainting, fractured jaw |
21 | Sinus Bone | edge of the hand, finger | unconsciousness, death |
22 | carotid artery | edge of the hand, finger | fainting |
23 | epiglottis | edge of the hand, finger | fainting, death |
24 | laryngeal fossa | edge of the hand, finger | fainting, death |
25 | trachea | finger, edge of hand | unconsciousness, death |
26 | neck | elbow, edge of the hand, foot sword | paralysis, death |
27 | upper clavicle depression | fingers | fracture |
28 | clavicles | edge of hand | fracture |
29 | lower clavicle depression | fingers | paralysis |
30 | armpits | edge of the hand, fist, nerve pressure, foot sword, finger | death |
31 | chest | heel, front fist, elbow | fainting, death |
32 | nipples | claws, fist, heel | unconsciousness, death |
33 | Sternum | fist, elbow, foot, front fist | fainting, death |
34 | heart | fingertip, fist, elbow, head, front fist, heel | death |
35 | heart tip | fingertip, elbow, head, front fist | death |
36 | lung tips | fist, heel | fainting, death |
37 | sternum process | elbow, knee, front fist, fist | fainting, death |
38 | Ribs | fist | fracture, internal injuries |
39 | thorax | Edge of hand, elbow, front fist, ball of the foot, foot sword, heel | death |
40 | solar plexus | Fingertip, Elbow, Front fist, Knuckle fist, Bottom of fist, Heel, Claw, Thumb | fainting, death |
41 | spleen | fist, fingertip, edge of the hand, front fist, elbow, heel | death |
42 | Short | rib edge of the hand, foot | death, fainting |
43 | Stomach | fist, foot, elbow, back of fist, front fist, edge of the fist, ball of the foot, heel, knee | fainting |
44 | Scapula crest | edge of the hand, fist | Shoulder Paralysis |
45 | 2nd cervical vertebra | edge of the hand, elbow, knee, foot sword | death, fainting |
46 | 5th cervical vertebra | elbows, knees | death, fainting |
47 | 7th vertebrae | elbows, knees | paralysis, death |
48 | elbow joint | fist, edge of hand | fracture |
49 | kidneys | fist, edge of the hand, elbow, nerve pressure | death |
50 | spindle leg | elbow, heel, knee | paralysis, fracture |
51 | fingers | Overstretching, Fracture, Finger | overstretching, fracture |
52 | wrist | edge of the hand, hands | overstretching, fracture |
53 | back of the hand | heel | fracture |
54 | navel | fist, elbow, knee | fainting, death |
55 | bubble | fist, elbow, heel, foot sword | Internal injuries, death |
56 | ledges | fist, foot | fainting, death |
57 | testicles | Instep, Knee, Fist, Finger | fainting, death |
58 | kneecaps | foot sword | fracture, paralysis |
59 | cruciate ligaments | Knee, Elbow, Heel | paralysis |
60 | Shin | foot sword | paralysis |
61 | knuckles | inside foot | Fracture, overstretching |
62 | Instep | heel | fracture, bruise |
63 | sacrum | heel, knee, elbow, fist | paralysis, knees |
64 | coccyx | foot, knee, fist | paralysis, death |
65 | Popliteal | foot sword | Overstretching |
66 | calf muscle | heel, foot, edge of hand | bruise, paralysis |
67 | Fibula | foot | paralysis, fracture |
68 | knuckles | outside foot, foot sword | fracture |
69 | Achilles tendon | foot sword, fingers | tendon rupture |